
Student Requirements

How do you know if the apprenticeship program is right for you? 

While the Rockingham Apprenticeship and Technical Opportunities Program offers students opportunities across a range of fields, there are some general characteristics that you can use as a guide to know if you will be happy and successful in an apprenticeship.

  • Do you enjoy science, math, or technology, if interested in a manufacturing apprenticeship or information technology apprenticeship?
  • Do you enjoy working with children, if interested in a teacher assistant apprenticeship?
  • Do you like to work with others on a team?
  • Do you arrive at school on time and complete assignments on time?
  • Do you like the idea of starting your career now?

If you can answer yes to these questions, apprenticeship may be just the path for you! 

The apprenticeship program also has some specific requirements for applicants. 


Student Apprenticeship Requirements

  • GPA of 2.8 is preferred; however, lower GPA’s may be considered with recommendation letter from principal, counselor, teacher, etc.
  • Must be a high school junior or senior in Rockingham County (public, private, charter or NC registered home school) for RockATOP Manufacturing- Seniors only for RockATOP Teacher Assistant Apprenticeship
  • Math 1, Math 2, and Math 3  
  • Consistent attendance (No more than 5 absences per year – if more than 5 absences, rationale required.) 
  • Eligible for work in the United States 
  • Eligible to attend Rockingham Community College
  • RockATOP Manufacturing Applicants: Attend AT LEAST one open house at a partner company in November/December*. (Dates are subject to change.) Students/Parents are welcome to attend ALL open houses.
  • RockATOP Teach Applicants: Have completed or are currently enrolled in one of the following: 1. Teaching as a Profession II Field Experience (pre-requisite of Teaching as a Profession I). 2. EDU 216 or 187 in an RCC CCP Teacher Prep Pathway. 3. Career and Technical Education Internship in the Education Career Pathway.

*see RockATOP TEACH page on website for more information on timeline and requirements:

Start your RockATOP TEACH Application now!

Recommended High School Courses for Manufacturing Based Apprenticeships  (not required)

  • Physics  
  • Drafting
  • Technology, Engineering & Design  
  • Robotics  
  • Computer Application Courses  
  • Automotive Technology  
  • Any Rockingham Community College class in the Applied and Industrial Technology Department including machining classes at Reidsville High School

Start Your RockATOP Manufacturing Application Now!