
Participating Employers

Companies of all sizes and across multiple workplace sectors are benefiting from youth apprenticeship. The flexibility of the apprenticeship model means it can be tailored to specific company and industry needs. As the demand for highly skilled workers continues to grow, the list of participating work sectors keeps expanding as more and more companies invest in the apprenticeship strategy. 

Explore apprenticeships in Rockingham County


Interested in starting an apprenticeship program at your company? Learn how RockATOP can give your business a strategic advantage.

Companies currently participating in the RockATOP program include: 


Pine Hall Brick


Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc

Rockingham County Schools

Students—Explore Apprenticeships in Rockingham County?

Grab your free digital brochure to find out more information.

iPad graphic - RockATOP Apprenticeship Brochure